A pillar of happiness
- fiction any fictitious story or poem longer than a page
- non-fiction any opinions, articles, hot takes or memior stories grounded in reality
- poetry any prose or vinette shorter than a page
I believe creative expression is fundamental to a path towards contentment and wellbeing. Sharing our creative expressions may facilitate in this path. However, not all forms of content sharing are equal. Some kinds, such as the curating of a hyper-social media page on a corporate-owned platform, have the potential to adversely affect my self esteem and willingness to share creative expression unless it is up to the (worldwide) cultural standard. The "like" button, the monetization of pages, and various other profit-motivated schemes create an immediate and overwhelming barrage of feedback that is not helpful for my own long-term cultivation of happiness through creative expression. This is unfortunate, because I tend to enjoy happiness and fullfillment over corporate profits.
The antidote?
This site, based on a number of other similar sites and reminiscent of an earlier age of the internet in which I was not yet alive, is designed as an anti-[insert social media giant]. It grants me all the capabilities of such places, but with freedom from an instant and arbitrary global audience. It is a more intimate way of engaging with the vast world of the internet, affording me full creative control, zero censorship, and feedback in the form of real correspondence.